Introducing the EcoTemp™ Series

Low Compression Force Gaskets Offer Design Freedom

Laird™ EcoTemp™ Series fabric-over-foam gaskets (615/616/617/618/619) enable EMI shielding and grounding and perform reliably in a wide temperature range of -40° to 125°C. Their soft silicone foam cores with low compression force help eliminate the threat of damage to densely packed, sensitive components. Design freedom is enhanced through the availability of square, rectangular, hourglass-shaped, or trapezoid cross-profiles. Further customization can include die-cutting, hole punching, notching and more. EcoTemp™ is manufactured and shipped from Laird sites in China/Asia, Europe, or North America, thus lessening coordination concerns.

Introducing EcoTemp™

Conductive metallized fabric wrapped around a soft silicone foam core

Select Compression Set Values, PSAs

Soft-core EcoTemp™ can be compressed 25% to 50% of its original height at its maximum operating temperature. Gaskets come in a variety of thickness options. The series can be supplied with either a non-conductive or electrically conductive pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA). EcoTemp™ can be ordered with an extended-release liner (ERL) on the adhesive. Other features and benefits include:

Typical Applications