RFFOAM – Flexible and Structural Microwave Absorbing Foam

RFFOAM – Flexible and Structural Microwave Absorbing Foam

Shapeable free space absorber foam

The product comes in custom shapes and sizes and provides excellent broadband microwave absorption along with light weight. It is an excellent option for inside of radomes, antenna pattern improvement, and other applications in enclosed areas. For outdoor applications the material can be filled with a closed cell rigid urethane foam to create a broadband structural foam. Nominal density of the product is 12-15 pounds per cubic foot and in thicknesses from25″ to 2″. The materials can be molded to shape, machined or bonded into complex covers and components. If skins are applied, rigid lightweight structural panels are formed. Laird has developed new types of foam, including syntactic foam and phenolic foams

Features and Benefits

  • 3D shape
  • Lightweight
  • Outdoor option


Automated PackagingAutomated Pad PlacementCustom AutomationCustom Product DevelopmentModelingPrototypingServiceTesting

Technical Specification

Typical PropertiesFunctionFree space
Shelf LifeMinimum 720 Days from Date of Shipment
Type Free Space Foam
ROHS CompliantYes


Last Updated: 11/03/2022



