Tlam OptoTEC

Laird’s OptoTEC series of miniature thermoelectric modules (TEMs) is made using Laird Tlam circuit boards instead of traditional ceramic-based circuit boards. All TEMs consist of pellets of semiconductor material soldered between two circuit board substrates. Tlam is a laminated circuit board product capable of transporting heat to and from the semiconductor pellets while providing excellent heat spreading, improved reliability and low cost in high volume. This white paper discusses the performance, reliability, advantages and limitations of OptoTEC TEMs made using Tlam in addition to describing other new products using Tlam that are currently in development.

Laird’s OptoTECTM series of miniature thermoelectric modules (TEMs) is being expanded in
2013 to include modules made using Laird Tlam circuit boards instead of traditional ceramicbased circuit boards. All TEMs consist of pellets of semiconductor material soldered between
two circuit board substrates. Tlam is a laminated circuit board product capable of transporting
heat to and from the semiconductor pellets while providing excellent heat spreading, improved
reliability and low cost in high volume. Laird is the only company in the world that makes both
TEMs and thermally conductive circuit boards. We are uniquely positioned to offer innovations
based on this combination of thermal technologies to our customers. This white paper discusses
the performance, reliability, advantages and limitations of OptoTEC TEMs made using Tlam in
addition to describing other new products using Tlam that are currently in development.

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